What is Thai Massage?

“A compressive, meditative rhythm full of movement, deep intuition, and release.”

This is how I explain Thai massage as the giver.

Other words my clients have used: Therapeutic, deep stretch, gentle yet effective, grounding, my favorite modality, I like this more than a table massage cause I can keep my snuggly clothes on.

You may have noticed their are a few contradictions above because everyone experiences Thai massage in a different way, just like life.

As a Yoga instructor I can pick up small changes in your body when I am moving you that speaks to me possibly more than it speaks to you.

Meaning I will ask a client if they feel the body protecting as I bring them into a stretch and most likely they do not, but I can see the holding. So we the opposite way, maybe some rocking, maybe some holding of deep pressure and come back to see how the body responds again.

There is not right way to practice Thai massage, it is all about listening, honoring and following our intuition.

Let me know what your experience of Thai massage has been in the comments below!


The Foot-Bringing yoga and massage together